Amphetamine Addiction

Amphetamine Addiction Treatment: What It Entails

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Amphetamine use has proliferated in past decades due to an increased number of applications in medicine, and this has unsurprisingly led to an increase in amphetamine addiction. These stimulant drugs have profound effects on the central nervous system, creating feelings of euphoria and alertness while decreasing appetite and social anxiety. The prolonged use and increasing dosage that marks addiction can result in malnutrition, increased anxiety, physiological dependency, severe psychosis, and even death. For those seeking drug rehab in Orange County will benefit from the expertise of Ocean Hills Recovery.

Facets of Amphetamine Addiction Treatment

A successful amphetamine addiction treatment program begins with an understanding of the symptoms caused by dependency and withdrawal. Due to the diminished appetite, those starting recovery are often malnourished and presenting micro-nutrient deficiencies that can cause secondary symptoms, which ultimately worsen the withdrawal. The first step to successful treatment is to stop use and begin remedying deficiencies through a proper diet.

Psychological issues often are the epicenter of addiction, and the use of amphetamines can make these worse or even cause them. Dual diagnosis is a means of addressing psychological problems in the context of addiction recovery. Without it, patients often return to the drug as a form of escape or self-medication.

Almost all addictions have a root in poor socialization skills. Researchers have uncovered risk factors ranging from poor family models to an intensely introspective nature. This provides another method of treatment, which focuses on teaching healthy social skills through events and group therapy. The idea is to provide patients with enough experience with healthy social models, so that these skills can be transferred to their everyday life after treatment.

Bringing Together the Best Practices

The Collaborative Care model practiced by Ocean Hills Recovery does not view drug detox as a stand-alone form of treatment. Instead, the focus is a holistic one, addressing each facet at every stage of the 30-, 60- or 90-day treatment program.

What does change is the focus. In the beginning, amphetamine addiction treatment will focus on helping the patient recover from the symptoms of the drug and withdrawal. This is also a time for introduction to the counseling process, psychiatric screening for co-occurring psychological programs, and entering group therapy sessions. Rehabilitation follows with the focus on (re)learning social skills and finding ways to enjoy a life of sobriety.

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