There are few things as difficult as watching a loved one struggle with addiction. In some cases, a compassionate conversation can prompt a person to begin a life of recovery. However, the majority of the time, more intensive measures must be taken. Addiction and denial go hand in hand. Even though it is exceedingly clear that your loved one needs professional help, they insist they have everything under control. They get defensive when you bring up treatment options in conversation; your relationship has become strained, and you start to wonder if this is simply the new normal. 

The good news is, there are steps you can take to ensure your loved one breaks through denial and begins the journey of addiction recovery. Finding a licensed drug and alcohol intervention specialist and staging a professional intervention might be beneficial. At Ocean Hills Recovery, we work directly with addiction intervention services in Orange County. To learn more about addiction intervention and the services we provide, or to be connected with someone who can help, contact us today. 

What is an Intervention?

The Mayo Clinic describes an intervention as “a carefully planned process that may be done by family and friends, in consultation with a doctor or professional such as a licensed alcohol and drug counselor or directed by an intervention professional (interventionist). During the intervention, these people gather together to confront your loved one about the consequences of addiction and ask him or her to accept treatment.”

An intervention is a planned event that revolves around encouraging a person to commit to treatment. A person is compassionately confronted in a safe and structured environment. They are presented with an option — they can either agree to get professional help or face the consequences of refusing help. The interventionist helps participants decide on consequences before the event.

How Does an Intervention Work?

Interventions take place in several steps. 

  1. The interventionist develops a plan of action. 
  2. The addiction intervention specialist gathers pertinent information. 
  3. The group of people participating in the intervention is determined. 
  4. Group members decide on a specific set of consequences should treatment be refused the day of the event. 
  5. Each member of the intervention group writes a letter and rehearses exactly what they will say on the day of the event, detailing how the active addiction has impacted them. 
  6. The staged intervention is held. 
  7. The addiction intervention specialist provides follow-up care.

meeting with an addiction intervention specialist in Orange County, CA

The Role of an Addiction Intervention Specialist 

The main role of the addiction intervention specialist is to facilitate the event and provide support before, during, and after the staged intervention takes place. The interventionist spearheads the event, guiding the conversation and making sure emotions do not escalate. The interventionist needs to remain calm for the duration of the event, redirecting any conversation that seems accusatory or becomes emotionally heightened. 

If a person agrees to seek treatment, the interventionist follows up with the loved ones to make sure they have the support they need to heal themselves. It is important to note that active addiction impacts friends and family members significantly. In many cases, seeking individual therapy and ongoing support is necessary.

professional addiction intervention services in Orange County

Benefits of Addiction Intervention Services

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) recently published the Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide (Third Edition), which states, “Treatment does not need to be voluntary to be effective.” It is a common misconception that people must seek help on their own accord for addiction treatment to “work.” However, because addiction and denial are so closely interlinked, even those with severe, life-threatening substance use disorders often refuse help. If a person is at immediate risk of overdose, for example, they do not have the luxury of “hitting rock bottom.” Crisis intervention is crucial. This is where professionally staged interventions come into play. 

In addition to encouraging life-saving care, the benefits of addiction interventions include:

  • The development and implementation of personal boundaries. 
  • Extensive guidance is provided by an experienced addiction intervention specialist. 
  • A comprehensive list of reputable Orange County drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers. 
  • Follow-up care and ongoing support.

Finding an Addiction Intervention Specialist 

Finding a drug and alcohol intervention specialist begins with the admission that professional help has become necessary. In many cases, those who seek the assistance of a licensed interventionist have repeatedly tried encouraging their loved one to seek treatment with no success.

Their loved one has refused help despite the importance of immediate care. They could be at risk of a life-threatening overdose. Additionally, they could be at risk of serious medical issues should they not stop drinking or using drugs (like liver failure, heart attack, or stroke).

woman talking to a family member about their addiction

Many rehab centers have interventionists on staff. If not, they will recommend an Orange County interventionist. Some important qualities to look for in an intervention specialist include qualifications, compassion, and professionalism. Other traits to look for when seeking an interventionist include:

  • A record of excellent references and an impressive track record (high success rate). 
  • The required credentials, licensure, and qualifications. 
  • Their willingness to provide follow-up care after the intervention. 
  • The number of interventions they have previously facilitated. 
  • Their intervention style and plan for the intervention.

woman listens to a family member talk about the concerns of her addiction while working with an addiction intervention specialist.

Drug and Alcohol Addiction Intervention Specialist in Orange County

At Ocean Hills Recovery, we offer professional drug and alcohol intervention services to make getting a loved one into treatment as simple as possible. We work closely with several reputable addiction intervention specialists in Orange County. Contact us directly for more information on our intervention services, or to help your loved one receive the life-saving care they need today.