If you are seeking help for addiction to drugs or alcohol, or wonder how to get someone into rehab, you may be asking yourself “Is there a 12-step program near me?” Ocean Hills Recovery understands the benefits of 12-step programs and makes them part of our comprehensive treatment. 

What is 12-Step Recovery?

The 12-step method of recovery was first described in the book Alcoholics Anonymous, often called “The Big Book”. While the 12-step program was originally created to treat alcoholism, it has been adopted to address a wide range of substance abuse and dependency problems. 

The 12 steps were designed as a set of principles to help people change how they think and act as they move through recovery from addiction. They provide accountability to themselves and others and a framework they can consistently reference to chart their progress in living a sober life. People work the 12-steps in numerical order, marking off each one as they complete them. 

A popular feature of 12-step programs involves the use of sponsors. A sponsor is a long-time member of a 12-step group who serves as a mentor in a newly sober person’s life. They can offer advice and support as needed, and serve as a cheerleader for moments of victory like avoiding a trigger to drink or use drugs. 

People searching for a “12-step program near me” may not know that formal programs like those offered by Ocean Hills Recovery incorporate the steps into their treatment. This is because the 12-steps on their own only provide a partial support system for those making the brave choice to live sober lives. 

California 12 Step Recovery Program

What are the 12 Steps?

The 12-steps used in all versions of the program are as follows:

1. Admitting you are powerless over alcohol or drugs and your life has become unmanageable.

The first step is acknowledging that you are not able to control your consumption of a substance. No other steps can be adequately done until you complete the first one. 

2. Believing that there is a higher power that can help you.

For many people, a higher power involves a religious or spiritual element. Some people find their higher power has to do with nature, an emotional element, or something else meaningful to them. The person turns to their higher power to help sustain them in their recovery. 

3. Surrendering to the person you believe can assist you.

Initially, this step centered on turning to God, but it can be adapted for those who find another choice that suits them best. This step helps people feel another source is available to intervene and be a source of comfort and ideas.

4. Make a searching and fearless moral inventory of yourself.

This step helps you evaluate yourself and the addiction problem you are facing, how you became addicted, why you need to recover, and how you can accomplish that.

5. Admitting the exact nature of your wrongs. 

This step involves admitting to God or another higher power, yourself, and at least one other person the wrongdoings you have committed. This step helps you come to terms with the damage done to yourself and anyone else. 

6. Preparing to remove any defects of character. 

Many people place faith in God removing their character defects while others concentrate on alternative support for achieving this step. The goal is to replace old coping behaviors with new, healthier decisions.  

7. Requesting help removing the character defects.

This is an extension of Steps 3 and 6. Asking for help and becoming a better person who makes wiser choices helps provide accountability. It’s important to be open to suggestions from another party on what may need changing and how to go about doing it. 

8. Make a list of all people you have harmed.

Part of becoming a better person involves recognizing what we’ve done in the past that has brought harm to others. This step involves putting thought into how you may have physically, emotionally, or psychologically hurt someone during your addiction and making a list of who you have harmed and how. 

9. Make amends to people you’ve hurt whenever possible.

Reach out to those you harmed, take responsibility for your actions, and apologize. Make direct amends to everyone on your list, except when doing so would injure them or someone else. 

10. Continue to take personal inventory and admit when you are wrong. 

An extension of previous steps, this one helps a person remain accountable as they move along in their recovery. It helps you set and maintain an ethical compass that contributes to avoiding relapse. 

11. Use prayer and meditation to communicate with your higher power. 

This step involves keeping conscious awareness of your goals and feeling your higher power helps you carry them out. This requires being attentive to knowing when it’s time to talk and when it’s time to listen. 

12. Carry the message of 12-step recovery to others. 

Once the first 11 steps are completed, you can be a living example of how they work and carry that message to others. Encourage those you know who have not yet accepted that they have an addiction to drugs or alcohol to seek help.

How Ocean Hills Recovery Uses the 12 Steps in Collaborative Recovery

The 12-Step Recovery method is part of our comprehensive treatment of drug and alcohol addiction at Ocean Hills Recovery. When people search for a “12-step program near me,” they want to feel confident in the program they choose. For this reason, we have developed a cutting-edge treatment design that combines the bio-psycho-social model with 12-step recovery. We call it Collaborative Recovery

Our treatment team designs a unique program tailored to each client. We follow the client’s individual progress through recovery from beginning to end, adjusting their treatment to suit their needs. We combine therapy, medical, psychological, and spiritual approaches to guide our clients through the most comprehensive and effective treatment experience available.

We Are Available to Help 24/7, Call Now:

Ocean Hills Recovery is committed to helping people find freedom from addiction. Our facilities are comfortable and welcoming to keep you engaged and focused in the process of recovery. We also offer plenty of amenities to ease the treatment process throughout your stay with us. Contact us today to learn more about our admissions process.

Benefits of Collaborative Recovery at Ocean Hills Recovery 

Collaborative Recovery provides benefits that go together well, forming a comprehensive treatment plan that positively impacts a person’s progress both in treatment and afterward. We provide traditional therapy modalities proven to help people suffering from substance use disorders but go one step further. By including 12-step programs in our curriculum, we cover therapy, medical, psychological, and spiritual approaches to achieving sobriety. 

Attending 12-step programs provides a secondary source for being surrounded by people with the same goals. A sober community helps keep everyone in the group focused on avoiding relapse and can offer advice and support as needed. People who meet in 12-step programs often form bonds that become friendships outside of meetings. Those seeking a “12-step program near me” have the added benefit of potentially being able to build healthy relationships with those also undergoing the 12-step process.

Going to 12-step meetings provides much-needed structure in the lives of attendees. Getting into the habit of regular attendance helps refamiliarize individuals with having a healthy routine; something often lost while they are mired in addiction. It also provides accountability because other people now know the goals you are setting and the issues you are facing. A sponsor and others in the meeting can help a person stay on target by doing the hard work of recovery and helping them celebrate moments of achievement.

Are There 12-Step Programs Near Me During Treatment?

When a person receives treatment from us, they don’t have to worry about finding a 12-step program near them. 12-step meetings are held at various locations throughout the Orange County, California community, which has one of the largest sober populations in the entire country. They will be able to find one that suits the time of day and location that fits their treatment schedule. Our staff all actively work the 12-step method of recovery with a sponsor and we encourage all our clients to get a sponsor within their group.

12 step recovery program near me orange county

12-Step Recovery Addiction Treatment in Orange County

Facing the fact that you have an addiction and need help feels difficult to do but is an important first step. Ocean Hills Recovery provides detox, residential, and outpatient programs. We combine traditional treatments with 12-step programs that allow our clients to receive comprehensive help. Our expert team provides the tools you need to recover from drug and alcohol addiction and learn to manage or overcome any accompanying mental illnesses. Contact us now and get started on healing your life.