Regardless if someone needs treatment for themselves, or needs to understand how to get someone into rehab, alcohol rehab in Orange County can change a person’s life for the better. Alcoholism can be a complex journey. The alcohol treatment programs of Ocean Hills Recovery address all aspects of addiction. We understand that the issues plaguing each recovery-seeking individual are unique, so we provide each person individualized addiction treatment through our unique Orange County alcohol rehab program.

Man after attending our alcohol rehab Orange County California

What is Alcohol Addiction?

Alcohol addiction is a serious affliction characterized by compulsive consumption of alcohol despite negative consequences. A person experiences constant cravings for alcohol and the inability to control their drinking. Categorized as a substance use disorder, alcohol addiction can cause serious physical and psychological damage to a person. 

As a person’s alcohol addiction progresses, their tolerance for alcohol grows higher, making it necessary to consume increasing amounts. When they try to decrease the amount they drink or stop drinking completely, people experience withdrawal symptoms that are often painful and distressing. Alcohol rehab programs in Orange County, California guide people through the detoxification process and into sobriety. 

Signs and Symptoms of Alcohol Addiction 

People struggling with alcohol addiction tend to exhibit a range of symptoms. These signs can vary from mild to extreme, depending on the severity of the addiction. These include: 

  • Slurred speech
  • Poor coordination
  • Memory loss
  • Poor impulse control
  • Impaired thinking
  • Drinking alone
  • Ignoring family, work duties, and other activities in order to drink
  • Unable to stop drinking on their own
  • Spending excessive amounts of money on alcohol
  • Risky behavior, such as drunk driving

Alcohol Abuse vs. Misuse 

Both alcohol abuse and misuse fall under the heading of an alcohol use disorder. Alcohol abuse is an umbrella term that covers any type of excessive drinking, including binge drinking, that compromises a person’s health and may require treatment. 

The terms “alcoholism” and “alcohol abuse” can be used interchangeably, and generally include someone who drinks daily or almost daily. People who are diagnosed as engaging in alcohol abuse have become dependent on it, and they continue to drink even though their daily lives are negatively impacted by it. 

Both binge drinking and heavy drinking fall under the umbrella of alcohol misuse. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) defines binge drinking as a regular pattern of consuming alcohol that brings a person’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to 0.08 percent or higher. This includes:

  • Men: consuming five or more drinks within about two hours 
  • Women: consuming four or more drinks within about two hours

NIAAA defines heavy drinking as: 

  • Men: consuming more than four drinks on any day or more than fourteen drinks per week
  • Women: consuming more than three drinks on any day or more than seven drinks per week

Whether a person is diagnosed as suffering from alcohol abuse or misuse, they can benefit from alcohol rehab in Orange County.

Alcohol Addiction Statistics 

Alcohol addiction impacts the lives of not just those who struggle with addiction, but also their loved ones and the community. Startling statistics include:

  • A survey showed that as of 2019, approximately 14.5 million people in the U.S. aged 12 and up are addicted to alcohol. Of this group, about 414,000 of them are aged 12 to 17. 
  • Only about 7% of people with an alcohol use disorder received treatment in the past year. 
  • Approximately 95,000 people die each year from an alcohol-related cause. Alcohol is the third-leading preventable cause of death in the U.S.  
  • In 2019, driving fatalities related to alcohol impairment caused approximately 10,000 deaths, accounting for over one-quarter of all driving fatalities.

Alcohol addiction in adults often has devastating consequences for children. Approximately 7.5 million children aged 17 or younger live in a home with at least one parent who has an alcohol use disorder. Children of alcoholics are four times more likely than others to develop an alcohol use disorder.  

Having a parent with an alcohol use disorder puts children at a higher risk for developing anxiety disorders, depression, and difficulty with cognitive and verbal skills development. They are also more likely to suffer from parental abuse or neglect. 

Does Insurance Cover Alcohol Rehab in Orange County, California? 

Whether someone is wondering how to help an alcoholic relative attend rehab, or someone is going for themselves, one of the first concerns someone entering alcohol rehab in Orange County has surrounds the financial aspects. Alcohol rehab is considered behavioral healthcare, and many insurance companies like Aetna and others cover some or all of the cost. 

The first step is for the person to contact their insurance company and find out what coverage is provided. They can find out what types of alcohol rehab programs are available and how much is covered by insurance. Depending on whether or not a person’s deductible has been met, the out-of-pocket costs may be minimal or completely covered. 

The insurance company will provide information about what types of treatment they cover, which can include detox, residential, outpatient, sober living houses, and more. Be sure to ask about coverage before entering treatment, as some policies require prior approval from the insurance company or they may not cover it.

We Are Available to Help 24/7, Call Now:

Ocean Hills Recovery is committed to helping people find freedom from addiction. Our facilities are comfortable and welcoming to keep you engaged and focused in the process of recovery. We also offer plenty of amenities to ease the treatment process throughout your stay with us. Contact us today to learn more about our admissions process.

How is Alcoholism Treated in California?

Alcoholism is treated through a variety of treatment modalities designed to address all aspects of recovery. They include:


Detoxification is the first step in alcoholism recovery and is usually the precursor to inpatient alcohol rehab in Orange County. A person spends time in a facility designed to support a person during this process. Detox is the process of ridding the body of alcohol and other intoxicants, in order to return it to a neutral state. Medications and psychological support are typically offered to help reduce and eliminate many of the uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms that happen during detox.

Behavioral Therapy

This can include individual therapy, marriage and family therapy, and other types of talk therapy. The goals of behavioral therapy include empowering the individual to cope with their triggers to drink, helping them address the causes and consequences of their drinking, and setting attainable goals for sobriety.

Peer Support Groups

Groups that involve peers sharing their struggles and triumphs related to alcoholism and recovery prove effective in helping individuals maintain their sobriety long-term. For many people, knowing that they are not alone in their struggle is a source of comfort and strength.  Some support groups are led by a clinician trained in treating addiction. However, others involve just people in recovery, such as 12-step groups. 


There are three currently FDA-approved medications to treat alcohol addiction and prevent relapse. The medications are non-addictive and can either be used alone or with other treatments, such as counseling. 

The medications work by offsetting certain changes in the brain that are brought about by alcoholism. The three medications used for the purpose include Acamprosate, Naltrexone, and Disulfiram. 

  • Acamprosate helps people maintain abstinence. 
  • Naltrexone helps reduce heavy drinking. 
  • Disulfiram causes unpleasant effects when a person drinks, making it less appealing to consume alcohol. 

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Because of how common it is for someone with alcoholism to also have at least one accompanying mental illness, treatment for dual diagnosis happens frequently. Symptoms of mental health disorders and side effects of substance abuse are often worsened by one another, making it important to assess, identify and treat mental health disorders concurrently. 

Continuing Care

Even after inpatient rehab or outpatient care in Orange County, CA has ended, it’s important for people to stay on top of their recovery. Many clients transition into continuing care services, which can include regular meetings with a support worker, or alumni services. Many facilities offer community services to help with transport, housing, and job opportunities so that a full recovery can continue long after a person has left formal treatment.

People at our alcohol rehab in Orange County

What Happens in Orange County Alcohol Rehab?  

Ocean Hills provides alcohol rehab in Orange County that includes multiple effective and affordable options for rehab that begin with an intervention and extend all the way through sober living. As a result, we provide a base for a successful recovery and a clean and sober life. Our programs vary in length for each individual during alcoholism treatment, from veterans to non-veterans, depending on the needs of the recovery-seeking client. However, most clients remain in our program for 30 to 45 days.

Alcohol Rehab Programs in Orange County

Intervention: We help set up an intervention with a loved one to let them know the time has come to get help. A professional interventionist leads the event. They guide loved ones in expressing their love and concern. Additionally, the plan for entering treatment is presented to the person who needs it.

Alcohol Detox: We provide medically supervised alcohol detox that helps alleviate and eliminate many alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Completing a formal detox program provides a person with greater opportunity for successful completion of the next steps in recovery treatment. 

Inpatient Residential: Round-the-clock treatment helps people learn to embrace their new sobriety while avoiding temptations that may exist if they return home too quickly. Additionally, regular medical and psychological support on a daily basis helps keep a person focused on their recovery and explore the origins of their alcoholism.

Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP): PHP sessions are scheduled for six or more hours per day for at least five days per week. The client will either live at home or in a sober living house. This helps prepare them for step-down treatment after leaving PHP.

12-Step Recovery: Our Collaborative Recovery program involves having a 12-step program tailored to the specific needs of each client. In addition, we use several methods, including therapy, medical, psychological, and spiritual approaches, and monitor the client’s progress through the entire program.  

Begin Alcohol Rehab in Orange County, CA

If you or someone you love needs help with alcohol addiction, Ocean Hills can help turn your life around. We offer detox, inpatient rehab, and outpatient services designed to treat alcohol addiction here in Orange County. Our services are available near Huntington Beach, Anaheim, and Santa Ana. We also treat any accompanying mental health issues as well. Contact Ocean Hills today for more information. Call 833-538-0624 now and let us give you the help you need.