Drug and alcohol abuse can ruin a person’s life. Looking for help for addiction takes bravery. Furthermore, a lot of people do not know what to expect. Ocean Hills Recovery, a California rehab center, makes the admissions process easy.

We walk you through each step. We understand how to help you feel comfortable. As well, our friendly staff will answer any questions you have. As a matter of fact, we can get your admission process started today.

Assessment Process

Many people initially feel intimidated to contact an addiction treatment program. They also worry that they won’t know what to say. They also don’t want to feel embarrassed. Our compassionate admissions staff makes the process easy.

First, we begin by getting to know you. Next, we assess your current physical health. Then, we determine if you have any mental health concerns. Knowing this helps us decide if our program is the right fit for you. 

Feel free to ask any questions you have. We want you to feel at ease and let us know what you need. We also want you to understand exactly how we can help you. Additionally, our staff understands that your privacy is important. Lastly, all assessments remain confidential.

california rehab center


A common concern about seeking treatment involves cost. As a matter of fact, most insurance plans cover the cost of addiction treatment. This includes detox, residential, and outpatient programs. We understand how to talk to insurance companies.

Because of this, we can find out the information you need about your plan. We can also help with the paperwork. As a result, this takes some of the burdens off you and your family.

If you do not have insurance, we can still help. We can provide ideas for ways to cover the cost of treatment. We will do our best to work with you, regardless of your financial situation. When you contact us, we can go over suggestions and plans.


When you arrive for admission, we begin to really get to know you. Our team provides a thorough assessment of your physical and mental health. We then discuss your addiction and any goals you have for treatment. Because of this process, we are able to set up a plan that addresses your specific needs. 

We believe in the benefits of evidence-based psychotherapy. As a result of using this, we help lay the groundwork for understanding your addiction. We also use the 12-Step program. This proven method helps people put alcohol and drug abuse in the past.

In addition, we determine if you need any medications. Prescription meds can help ease withdrawal symptoms. They can also improve psychological symptoms, such as depression and anxiety.

Once we fully admit you, you will not feel alone. Our experienced staff will guide you through each step. We provide a helping hand and a friendly voice. By the time you leave our facility, you will have the ability to work on your recovery for a lifetime.

california rehab center

California Rehab Center

Deciding to get treatment for addiction is the first step. We make the next step easy. Ocean Hills Recovery in Orange County provides world-class help for addiction. In addition, we treat any accompanying mental illnesses.

We also provide several options for getting help. These include detox, residential, and outpatient programs. Contact us today and we will walk you through our easy admissions process.

Begin your recovery today at the premiere California drug and alcohol rehab.

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