Treatment for a substance abuse disorder can come in many forms. People may choose to seek treatment as an outpatient or choose residential treatment. Dana Point residential treatment at Ocean Hills Recovery allows patients to receive the care they need in a supportive setting 24/7. During residential treatment, they are equipped with all of the tools they need to get on a sober path.

What Happens During Residential Treatment?

During Dana Point residential treatment at Ocean Hills Recovery, patients can live in a safe and comfortable environment as they follow a customized treatment plan. At Ocean Hills Recovery, we get to know our clients and understand their needs so that we can tailor a plan to their specific needs. By choosing residential treatment, patients are not tempted by outside triggers and can focus solely on their recovery.

Residential treatment is an immersive experience that helps patients recover and connect with people experiencing the same things. These connections help build an important support network of individuals who can help each other through treatment.

The length of a patient’s stay will vary depending on their treatment plan. A typical residential treatment program stay can last 30 to 45 days. Patients are constantly monitored during the stay to ensure they stick to their plan.

Elements of a Residential Treatment Plan

While every patient’s treatment plan will differ, inpatient treatment typically begins after detox. Once the patient has completed a detox program, a detailed treatment plan will be drawn up as they settle into their new environment.

Elements of a Dana Point residential treatment plan can include a combination of the following:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Individual therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Dialectical behavior therapy
  • Relapse prevention training

Some patients may also require medication-assisted treatment during their residential stay. This can help with withdrawal symptoms and reduce the risk of relapse. Our qualified staff gives and monitors medications to ensure patients receive the most effective treatment possible to suit their needs.

At Ocean Hills Recovery, we not only believe in treating a patient’s substance abuse disorder during residential treatment but also in helping them continue living a sober life once they return home. We teach valuable life skills and help patients set obtainable goals so that they will feel motivated to continue to live a life without harmful substances.

Dana Point Residential Treatment Amenities

Besides receiving a tailored treatment plan, patients at Ocean Hills Recovery also have access to many amenities that can help them along their path to sobriety.

These include:

  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Art Therapy
  • Outdoor Activities
  • Catered Meals
  • Fitness Center Access

These amenities can help to make each patient’s stay more enjoyable while incorporating holistic coping strategies and a healthy lifestyle.

How do I Know if a Residential Treatment Program is Right for Me?

Typically, patients who need a detox plan will require a residential treatment program to get on a sober path. They need the structure and guidance that only a residential program can offer.

Those who also need medication and need to be supervised can also benefit most from a residential treatment program versus an outpatient program. Patients who require a constant support network can thrive in a residential treatment program because the setting provides the encouragement they need to stay sober.

People who need help to fight substance abuse triggers can also benefit from a residential treatment program. They will learn coping strategies during their program that will help them to successfully stay away from substances once they are out in the real world.

Benefits of a Dana Point Residential Treatment Program

During a residential treatment program, patients not only receive the care they need to treat their substance abuse disorder, but they also receive many other benefits that can help them during their program and when they are done.

Safe Environment

Many patients who undergo detox treatment can experience harmful withdrawal symptoms that a professional medical staff should monitor. During a residential treatment program, patients will receive the support they need to successfully stop using toxic substances and learn how to live a healthy life.

Structured Setting

Many people have greater success battling a substance abuse disorder when they are submersed in a structured setting. A daily schedule can help a person get on track and learn what needs to be done to live a healthy, substance-free life. Establishing clear boundaries and learning to look ahead can help patients get the clarity they need to get sober and remain that way.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Many people receiving treatment for a substance abuse disorder have underlying mental health issues that need to be addressed simultaneously. Ocean Hills Recovery offers dual diagnosis treatment to help these patients receive all the care they need while living in a supportive environment.

Psychological Help

Addiction can alter brain function and behavior. Medical professionals can fully evaluate and observe each patient during a residential treatment program. This allows for a more accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. Healthcare providers may recommend medication as well as therapy programs.

Emotional Assistance

Many people who are battling a substance abuse disorder are also dealing with a wide range of emotions. A residential treatment program also helps patients to confront those emotions in a positive and supportive setting. By connecting with others in the same situation, they can receive the support they need to stay on track.

Are You Looking for a Dana Point Residential Treatment Center? Contact Ocean Hills Recovery Today

Ocean Hills Recovery provides the residential treatment program you need in Dana Point. Our staff is ready to offer a customized treatment plan to help you thrive during your recovery process. We will determine what therapies and treatments will work best to help you overcome your addiction. We also offer amenities to help make your stay more enjoyable as you learn how to live a substance-free life.

Contact us today to learn more about our residential treatment program and how you can benefit from it.