No More Worrying, “Does Insurance Cover Rehab? in California” OHR Accepts Most PPO insurance
If you’re wondering, does insurance cover rehab, how much does rehab cost? Yes, addiction is a condition that is covered and treatment is affordable.
The cost of rehab shouldn’t be what holds you back from addiction recovery. Thankfully, OHR ACCEPTS MOST EVERY PPO INSURANCE POLICY for addiction or alcohol abuse treatment. Insurance policies are difficult to navigate to get understandable information, so without knowing the right questions to ask, you may think that you don’t have coverage, only to find out that you DO have insurance coverage for rehab. We can help. Call Ocean Hills and we will contact your insurance for you to see if you qualify.
Just as each person’s journey with addiction and recovery is different, each person’s medical needs and insurance policies are different. If someone has told you that rehab isn’t covered by insurance, it’s still worth giving a call to a reputable rehab and then your insurance company to double check. There may be coverage, but you don’t know if you don’t do a little digging.
The Good News
Insurance companies are beginning to realize that if addiction and alcoholism is treated properly and a person enters into a successful recovery, their chances of developing other medical conditions in the future can be greatly reduced. They are also starting to agree that addiction is a real problem that requires treatment by medically trained professionals. Because of these two semi-recent updates with healthcare, more and more insurance companies are providing coverage for drug and alcohol rehab stays.
What Information You’ll Need When You Call:
- Insurance ID, or subscriber social security number, date of birth
- How much are you using? How much are you drinking?
- Any previous rehab stay dates (approximate)
Questions to ask:
- Do I have substance abuse coverage? What is my deductible and Out of pocket max? How much of my deductible and out of pocket max are already met?
- Are only certain rehabs covered under my plan? Maybe your insurance will not cover a stay at rehab X, but they WILL cover a stay at Ocean Hills Recovery. If a rehab isn’t in the network with the insurance company, there may not be coverage. If you’ve found, however, that there is a rehab facility for you and it’s not in your insurance network, you may be able to ask for out-of-network benefits and still have full coverage. It’s important to realize that each insurance policy is different. You won’t know if you don’t ask!
- Are all types of rehab covered under my plan? Will my plan only cover inpatient stay? Do I have a limit on how many days are covered? Does it cover detox and residential stays?
Where do I start?
Of course, the last thing on your mind when you or your friend/loved one are entering rehab is what questions you need to ask your insurance company to find out if you have coverage. Our counselors and staff are happy to assist you with insurance coverage questions and issues. Our staff at Ocean Hills Recovery will do what we can to help so you can spend your time focused on recovery instead of worrying about your insurance coverage. Call Ocean Hills Recovery today to find out if your insurance will cover drug/alcohol rehab. Once again we accept MOST ALL PPO INSURANCE POLICIES.