Is Ambien Safe During Recovery

Is Ambien Safe During Recovery?

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When you are recovering from drug or alcohol abuse, you have to change many aspects of your life. As you learn to live without drugs and alcohol, you will notice how your body reacts. For some people, this can result in difficulty sleeping, especially at the beginning of their recovery. That has some people resorting to sleep aid drugs like Ambien to help them sleep better. This can become addictive as well so you would be trading one addiction for another. If you’re wondering “Is Ambien safe during recovery?”, read on to explore what Ambien can do to the body and other ways to get a good night’s sleep during recovery.

What is Ambien?

Ambien is a prescription drug that is given to treat insomnia.[1] It works by affecting chemicals in the brain that may be unbalanced in people who have trouble sleeping. Ambien can be prescribed in two different forms. One in an immediate-release form that can help you fall asleep when you first go to bed. There is also an extended-release that helps you fall asleep and then dissolves to help you stay asleep.

How Does Ambien Affect the Body During Recovery and is Ambien Safe During Recovery?

There is a definite connection between insomnia and addiction. Some people turn to drugs and alcohol to help them sleep better. When people don’t get the right amount of sleep, they can also become stressed and depressed which can lead to substance abuse.  While insomnia can contribute to addiction, it can also play a role when people are recovering.

As people recover, their brain chemistry also changes, which can lead to insomnia.  This, coupled with the fact that their mind may be racing because they’re thinking of ways they can recover successfully, can have damaging consequences. This can make it hard to sleep at night. When people can’t sleep, they may turn to medicine like Ambien to help.

When people take Ambien during recovery they may experience any of the following:[2]

  • Tremors
  • Insomnia
  • Aches and pains
  • Panic attacks

One woman who was recovering from an addiction turned to Ambien to help with sleep problems.[3] She blogged about her experiences, explaining how Ambien made her feel and the negative effects it had on her body.

Although Ambien can help the body fall asleep, it can also have other effects that can be harmful. Ambien is also known to become addictive if not taken as prescribed. If someone becomes addicted to Ambien during recovery they can experience the following withdrawal symptoms as they try to stop taking Ambien. These include:

  • Sweating
  • Restlessness
  • Hypertension
  • Hand tremors
  • Anxiety
  • Panic attacks

To avoid these types of reactions, you can choose another way to get rid of insomnia and not fall into the chance of becoming addicted to Ambien or other sleep aids.

How to Deal with Insomnia During Recovery Without Ambien

There are many other ways to deal with insomnia during recovery that don’t require any medication. Eating healthy can be helpful because it affects your physical and mental health. When you have too much sugar, fatty foods, and caffeine, it can become difficult to sleep. Instead, choose vegetables and other foods that are high in vitamins.

Getting plenty of exercise can also make it easier to get to sleep. When you get tired by exercising, it can help you fall asleep faster and give you a better night’s sleep. You can start off slow and work up to a more rigorous routine.

Something else to keep in mind is to minimize the amount of screen time you have before bed. Too much screen time can make it difficult to fall asleep.

Seeking Help During Recovery at Ocean Hills Recovery

If you’re looking for help to get on the path to recovery or stay on it, the team at Ocean Hills Recovery can help.  We have both inpatient and outpatient programs to accommodate everyone’s type of addiction and the treatment they may need. At Ocean Hills Recovery, we teach people how to find new interests and meet new people that will help them stay on the path of sobriety. Call Ocean Hills Recovery today or send us a message online.






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