The coastal city of Huntington Beach, California, located southeast of Los Angeles, is also known as Surf City, due to its ten miles of sandy beaches. As a vacation destination with beautiful beaches and a variety of activities and entertainment, it has not been immune to the effects of drugs and alcohol. For Huntington Beach rehab, Ocean Hills Recovery offers evidence-based addiction treatment to help our clients achieve effective and lasting recovery. 

pier at Huntington Beach California

How Addiction Affects Areas Near Huntington Beach

According to Orange County Health Care Agency, drug and alcohol-related deaths have been rising since 2012. The most dramatic increase was from 2019 to 2020. Alcohol and opioids are the most frequently present substances. In fact, there was a 45% increase in the number of deaths involving opioids from 2019-2020.

Additionally, the coastal areas—including Huntington Beach—show the highest rates of mortality, emergency department visits, and hospitalizations, for the period between 2018 to 2020. Substance use in California is widespread. The overuse or misuse of alcohol and other drugs, including illicit drugs, can lead to immediate or long-term health problems.

In 2021, according to the California Health Care Foundation, 9% of Californians met the criteria for a substance use disorder (SUD). However, only about 10% received treatment. There is hope for those suffering from a substance use disorder. Recovery is possible and individuals can reclaim their lives by seeking help.

What Do Rehabs Near Huntington Beach Treat?

Ocean Hills Recovery identifies and treats a variety of substance use disorders. In addition, our rehab center near Huntington Beach also identifies and treats co-occurring mental health disorders that may be present. Substance use and mental health disorders frequently overlap resulting in a dual diagnosis. Underlying issues that lead to substance use must be addressed for sustainable healing and recovery. 

Substances we provide treatment for include:

  • Heroin
  • Alcohol
  • Fentanyl
  • Prescription opioids
  • Stimulants (including cocaine and Adderall)
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Amphetamines
  • Inhalants

Dual diagnosis treatment includes:

  • Generalized anxiety disorder
  • Various types of depression
  • Panic disorder
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Borderline personality disorder
  • Trauma
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • Schizophrenia

How Addiction is Treated Near Huntington Beach

Treatment begins with a detailed physical, mental, and substance use assessment. This allows our experienced clinical staff to create a personalized treatment plan based on each client’s unique situation, needs, and preferences.

Additionally, this allows our addiction experts to determine the most appropriate level of care needed. Most importantly, we are committed to helping each client take the first step of their recovery journey, and we are with them every step of the way. 

We Are Available to Help 24/7, Call Now:

Ocean Hills Recovery is committed to helping people find freedom from addiction. Our facilities are comfortable and welcoming to keep you engaged and focused in the process of recovery. We also offer plenty of amenities to ease the treatment process throughout your stay with us. Contact us today to learn more about our admissions process.

Rehab Treatment Programs Around Huntington Beach

Drug & Alcohol Detox 

Detox is the process of ridding the body of drugs and alcohol before enrolling in an addiction treatment program. It is one of the first steps toward sobriety and is often necessary. The detox process can have unpleasant and even dangerous withdrawal symptoms. For this reason, it is never recommended for anyone dependent on a substance to go through detox alone. Our medical detox program gives clients the support and supervision needed to get through the withdrawal process as comfortably as possible. 

Inpatient Residential Treatment

Inpatient residential treatment provides individuals who are struggling with substance use disorder (SUD) to live on-site while receiving treatment. Clients reside in a safe and comfortable environment that allows them to focus on healing and recovery full-time. In addition, residential treatment helps clients avoid distractions as well as triggers that can lead to relapse. Typically at Ocean Hills Recovery, clients stay in our residential program for 30 to 45 days.

Partial Hospitalization (PHP)

Partial hospitalization programs allow people to receive treatment during the day and return to their homes at night. Some people choose to live in a sober living home while attending PHP. Participants typically go five or more days a week for several hours a day. Our partial hospitalization program provides highly structured day treatment programs and services like group therapy, individual counseling, and other proven addiction treatment therapies.

12-Step Recovery

The 12 steps were designed as a set of principles to help people change how they think and act as they move through the recovery process. As such, they provide accountability to themselves and others. People work the 12 steps in numerical order, marking each one as they complete them. A popular feature of 12-step programs involves the use of sponsors. A sponsor is a long-time member of a 12-step group who serves as a mentor in a newly sober person’s life. 

Intervention Services

Interventions are conducted between those staging the intervention and the intervention specialist. First, those who will be attending the person’s intervention attend meetings to prepare. Then during the meetings, the interventionist discusses the right way for loved ones to approach and word their concerns. Additionally, these meetings with loved ones allow the interventionist the opportunity to learn more about the person, which will help the intervention go as smoothly as possible.

Family Programming

During family programming, each family member learns how to take responsibility for how they acted in the past. Then, they can make any necessary amends. Moreover, everyone learns how to communicate more effectively, strengthening the family as a whole. They learn how to break unhealthy cycles and establish positive new ones. This helps the person in recovery feel they aren’t alone in healing and helps their families have a deeper level of understanding of their experience.

couple in therapy during family programming

Benefits of Drug Rehab Near Huntington Beach

There are many benefits rehabs near Huntington Beach have to offer. Most importantly, we design individualized treatment plans for each client to help them achieve sustainable recovery from addiction. Ocean Hills Recovery provides treatments that work by people who care. 

Other benefits include:

  • A safe, secure, and positive environment.
  • Personalized treatment plans to address each client’s needs.
  • Group therapy sessions that encourage peer support.
  • The opportunity to learn positive coping mechanisms to prevent relapse.
  • Accountability that supports individual progress and accomplishments.
  • An environment that promotes healing and personal growth.
  • Luxury amenities and holistic therapies that treat the whole person.
  • Effective mental health therapies, which empower clients to address the underlying causes of their addictive behaviors.

Program Options Around Huntington Beach Rehab

At Ocean Hills Recovery, we offer a combination of evidence-based addiction therapies along with holistic treatment options. Holistic treatments promote a mind, body, and spirit approach to recovery and can include yoga, meditation, and dietary practices. We encourage our clients to work on their mental and physical health to promote healing and reach their recovery goals. Therefore, our offered therapies include individual, group, and family counseling.

Additionally, therapies that may be part of a personal treatment plan include:

  • Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Brainspotting (BSP)
  • Medication-assisted treatment (MAT)
  • Holistic treatments (yoga and meditation)
  • Fitness center
  • Alternative therapies (massage, art, outdoor activities)
  • Relapse prevention
  • 12-Step based treatment

12-Step recovery meeting during rehab in Huntington Beach, California

Begin Alcohol and Drug Rehab Near Huntington Beach, CA

There is hope for those suffering from substance use disorders. Recovery is a lifelong process that involves a combination of medical care, psychological counseling, and lifestyle changes. At Ocean Hills Recovery, we deliver effective personalized addiction treatment at every level of care. For this purpose, detox, residential and outpatient programs are available near Huntington Beach for rehab.

Contact our compassionate admissions team to get started on a healthier and happier life, free from addiction.