Why Addiction is Misunderstood

Why Addiction is Misunderstood

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We’re a nation of people who like to believe we are capable of pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps. We think we can overcome enormous obstacles just through the sheer will of our intentions and hard work. So, when we hear about those who’ve succumbed to addiction, we may choose to tell ourselves that people […]

How Do I Know if I Need CA Dual Diagnosis Treatment?

How Do I Know if I Need Dual Diagnosis Treatment?

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When someone struggles with addiction and another mental health disorder, it’s called co-occurring disorders, or dual diagnosis. As surprising as it sounds, it may help to hear that you are far from alone. Approximately 9.2 million people in the United States deal with Dual Diagnosis. 1 Further, nearly 50% of individuals suffering from a singular […]

Why Do Some People Struggle with Addiction While Others Do Not

Why Do Some People Struggle with Addiction While Others Do Not?

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When it comes to addiction, one of the most common questions people ask is why? Some people casually participate in substance use on an occasional basis and never seem to have a problem, while others experience a life-changing struggle with addiction. Science is learning more about the reasons that addiction happens but there is no […]

Personality and Addiction: Is There a Connection

Personality and Addiction: Is There a Connection?

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Drug addiction affects millions of Americans each year. With such a staggering number of individuals experiencing addiction, one would think there was a correlation between personality type and the likelihood to develop addictive behaviors. The studies connecting personality and addiction can be conflicting. However, there are indisputably some common factors among people who are more […]

Panic Disorders and Addiction Need Dual Diagnosis California

Panic Disorders and Addiction Need Dual Diagnosis Treatment

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When an individual with a mental disorder has a coexisting substance use disorder, that’s known as a dual diagnosis. Dual diagnosis is often challenging to treat because one disorder can impact the other. For example, a person with a mental disorder may attempt to self-medicate with drugs and alcohol to get temporary relief but will […]

Prescription Medication and Substance Abuse

Prescription Medication and Substance Abuse

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Prescription Medication and Substance Abuse If you’re taking prescription medications for a mental health disorder along with using recreational drugs or alcohol, the interaction could lead to dangerous health consequences. Read ahead to learn why mental illness often coexists with drug addiction, and about the risks attached to prescription medication and substance abuse. Mental Illness […]

Dual Diagnosis Orange County Treats High Functioning Addiction and Anxiety

Dual Diagnosis Treatment for High Functioning Addiction and Anxiety

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Anxiety can play a huge role in someone’s life, but at the same time, it can go completely undetected. Generalized Anxiety Disorder affects a total of 6.8 million adults in the United States. Only 43.2% are receiving the proper care needed.[1] With such a large percentage of the cases going untreated, individuals are turning to […]

Alcohol's Effect on Your Body When You Have an Autoimmune Disorder

Alcohol’s Effect on Your Body When You Have an Autoimmune Disorder

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Regularly, positive stories are published about alcohol’s effect on your body. Consuming limited amounts of alcohol has shown to reduce occurrences of heart disease, stroke, and gallstones. A team from the Oregon Health & Science University found alcohol could bolster the immune system and its responsiveness. However, for individuals who have an autoimmune disorder, alcohol […]

Addiction is a Disease - Not a Moral Failing

Making the Case that Addiction is a Disease – Not a Moral Failing

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When you think about illnesses that are classified as diseases, cancer, heart disease, and diabetes may immediately come to mind. Why? Because they are often referred to as such in the medical community and among others. But, when you’re talking about drug and alcohol addiction, some may argue that they are not a disease, but […]