Drug and alcohol addiction is serious. It is persistent. And above all, it is challenging. While there are many ways to treat addiction, the most comprehensive approach is seeking out a quality inpatient rehab facility. Some people may be able to quit drugs or alcohol cold turkey, but this can be an extremely difficult and dangerous process for individuals who may be suffering from withdrawals from alcohol or certain painkiller and anxiety medications. Inpatient drug and alcohol treatment programs are the most effective form of care since they provide clients with intensive care and more time to recover.

Ocean Hills Recovery offers an intensive rehab Southern California inpatient program for patients who wish to begin their recovery within a highly structured, supportive environment, staffed with medical and counseling professionals. Living on-site at Ocean Hills Recovery allows patients to focus on their recovery, free from all distractions. Inpatient treatment allows patients to unplug from their unhealthy routines and fully engage in treatment while being supported by our clinical staff.

Our staff has been dedicated to providing exemplary care to men and women who are in need of treatment for substance abuse concerns and co-occurring mental health conditions. Our multi-disciplinary inpatient treatment program utilizes an abstinence-based, disease-concept model of treatment, with the length of stay based on individual needs. For some patients with a history of extensive alcohol or opioid use, treatment may include the use of non-addictive medication. Our programs treat the whole person: medically, psychologically, spiritually, and emotionally.

Personalized care.

At Ocean Hills Recovery we are dedicated to offering an inpatient treatment program that meets your specific needs so you can confidently overcome the concerns that plague you and move forward toward a brighter, happier future. We promise to take care of you and give you dignified treatment as you heal both body and mind. Upon your arrival, we will create a personal recovery plan based on proven treatment methods.

Later on, we offer an individual therapy program whereby you work with a mental health practitioner in private sessions to acquire self-knowledge, insight into addiction, and get a stronger sense of inner strength. These sessions touch on topics such as your progress in rehab, personal obstacles to recovery, and interactions with others both inside and outside the facility. These sessions often end with the client and therapist working together to set goals for the days ahead.

24-Hour Supervised Care.

People admitted to our inpatient treatment center receive constant medical care from a multidisciplinary team of specialists. This is particularly important if you have significant and longstanding histories of addiction and abuse. You will generally require more comprehensive medical care during the detoxification process, which includes medical management of other acute medical or psychiatric conditions.

Sober living environment.

With the addict being enrolled at our in-house rehab center, it takes them out of the immediate environment that might have caused them to use in the first place. People assume that a desire to use ‘simply happens,’ but there is more to it than that. Specific triggers for drug and alcohol use may include stress; and sounds, smells, or sights. Here, addicts are able to avoid all those triggers.

Not All Addictions Are The Same.

Everybody’s addiction is different, wrought by a diverse and complex combination of personal history, and past experiences; along with physical and mental conditions. Addiction can foster a complexity of negative thought patterns, which may continue to feed the fire of both the addiction and any co-occurring disorders that accompany it. We offer a wide variety of treatment options that will support you to develop positive behaviors necessary to cultivate long-lasting sobriety.

Below are our inpatient treatment programs:

Detox…Getting a stable start.

Heavy and sustained alcohol or drug use takes an enormous toll on your physical and emotional health. A detox period is typically needed before you can benefit from rehab. Our medical staff has expertise in helping you detox comfortably and safely from alcohol, opioids, and other drugs so you can engage fully in your treatment program. Once you are medically stable, you will start your addiction treatment program.

Family Therapy.

Since addiction is a family disease, it is important for other family members to receive treatment so they can deal with specific issues relating to the patient’s drug abuse, mental illness or other problems. Our family therapy program is designed to help family members gain awareness and understanding, so they can learn how to best support their loved ones and themselves. Ocean Hills Recovery incorporates visitation with our family programs, which provide loved ones with information about addiction and recovery.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT).

CBT is effective in treating addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders. Many individuals have negative thoughts and harmful thinking patterns that drive unhealthy behaviors. CBT encourages clients to address such thought patterns and to eliminate or phase them out in exchange for healthy ones.

Recreational Therapy.

Based on the idea that quality, substance-free recreation can be a powerful aid to a sober lifestyle, the Recreational Therapy Program at Ocean Hills Recovery is designed to build patients’ healthy leisure skills. The program begins with a leisure assessment and consists of multiple weekly recreation times designed to expose patients to the joy and pleasure of drug-free recreational activities.

Recovery education.

Each client is educated on issues pertinent to recovery and growth. Subjects include self-esteem, adolescent development, and gender issues.

Skills training groups.

Skills groups focus on mindfulness, emotional regulation, interpersonal effectiveness and distress tolerance. The group setting offers an accepting environment where clients can learn effective coping strategies and practice these skills.

Mutual support groups.

Unlike therapeutic groups run by clinical professionals, peer-led support groups can help substance abusers learn to verbalize feelings and to live free from using alcohol and drugs. Peers give each other encouragement as they share their unique stories in a non-judgmental setting, which can reduce the shame associated with addictive diseases.

Relapse program.

If you have relapsed or fear relapsing, our expert staff will help you get back to your feet. Rather than repeating the same treatments, we will confront your relapse with fresh eyes – and try to identify underlying triggers and co-occurring conditions. Using an individualized approach, we will face challenges with you and see you through your relapse.

Start Your Recovery Today.

Ocean Hills Recovery seeks to heal your addiction and provide you with the tools that will transform your life. Whether you or your loved one is getting into treatment for the first time or have relapsed, our Rehab Southern California inpatient treatment model is unparalleled in producing successful recovery outcomes and a proven vanguard for treating alcohol and drug addiction.