Residential treatment for a substance use disorder can provide patients with the continued support and tools they need to get sober and remain on their sober path. Ocean Hills Recovery provides a San Juan Capistrano residential treatment center with tailored plans to help each patient achieve the successful recovery they deserve. We offer the tools that patients need to not only overcome their addictions but also thrive when they complete their program.

What is Residential Treatment?

Residential treatment requires patients to live at a facility to help them get sober. They are in a 24/7 monitored setting to give them the best chance of success. A customized treatment plan provides each patient with the program they need to thrive. 

During a residential treatment program, patients not only learn how to live a substance-free life, but they gain the necessary tools to avoid outside triggers that can lead to relapse. This can include staying away from people and situations that may have contributed to their addictions.

The length of each patient’s stay will vary, but typical resident treatment programs last 30 to 45 days. The staff at Ocean Hills Recovery can help each patient determine when they are ready to leave a residential program and return home. When patients leave the program, they leave sober and equipped with the strategies they need to avoid relapse.

Who is a Residential Treatment Program Best Suited For?

Patients who need a residential program’s structured setting are often best suited for a residential treatment program. They can also dedicate the time and sacrifice that a residential treatment program requires since patients must leave their homes and daily responsibilities.

Many patients who go through detox also need a residential treatment program. They need the structure and guidance that only a residential program can offer. 

Those who also need medication as part of their treatment program will also benefit from the attentiveness of a residential program as well. Medications are given and monitored by our qualified staff to ensure patients receive the most effective treatment possible to suit their needs. This can help with withdrawal symptoms and reduce the risk of relapse

What Does a San Juan Capistrano Residential Treatment Center Offer?

At Ocean Hills Recovery, we tailor each residential treatment plan to the patient’s needs. This can include a variety of treatment options, such as:

  • Family therapy
  • Dialectical behavior therapy
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Individual therapy 
  • Relapse prevention training

Many patients who are part of a residential treatment program also need treatment for a mental health condition. The staff at Ocean Hills Recovery offers dual diagnosis treatment so that patients can treat their substance abuse disorder and mental health conditions at the same time. This is crucial for a successful recovery because when the mental health component is ignored, a patient cannot fully recover.

Residential Treatment Program Amenities

Various types of therapy are only one piece of the treatment plan. At Ocean Hills Recovery, patients have access to many amenities that allow them to thrive and learn new skills during their program. 

Patients can take part in:

  • Yoga
  • Art Therapy
  • Outdoor Activities
  • Catered Meals 
  • Meditation
  • Fitness Center Access

These amenities allow patients to incorporate holistic healing and allow them to meet and interact with other residents who are going through the same things as they are. This feeling of community is one of the many reasons residential treatment programs are so successful.

How You Can Benefit from a San Juan Capistrano Residential Treatment Center

As patients learn how to become sober, they also benefit from a residential treatment program in several other ways. 

Structured & Safe Environment

A residential treatment program provides the structure that many people need to thrive and get sober. A structured setting will offer a daily schedule that helps people live healthily. A structured environment provides the clear boundaries some people need to get back on track.

For many people, a residential treatment program provides the safe environment they need to get sober. Many patients who undergo detox treatment can experience harmful withdrawal symptoms that a professional medical staff should monitor. Patients receive this support as they learn how to stop putting harmful substances into their bodies and live healthy lives.

Psychological Help

People recovering from addiction can suffer from altered brain function and behavior. Being in a residential treatment program allows patients to receive the monitoring they need and a more accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. 

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

For patients who are also trying to cope with a mental health issue, a residential treatment program can provide the dual diagnosis treatment that is necessary to recover. Dual diagnosis treatment deals with both conditions simultaneously so that patients can fully learn how to live a sober life. Ocean Hills Recovery provides a supportive environment for patients coping with a mental health issue to grow and thrive while receiving treatment for their addiction.

Emotional Support

Residential treatment programs provide patients with the emotional support they need as they go through the recovery process. Substance use disorders can result in a wide range of emotions that can be difficult to handle. During a residential treatment program, patients learn how to confront their emotions positively. Support groups can be a great tool to help patients deal with this aspect of the recovery process.

San Juan Capistrano Residential Treatment Center at Ocean Hills Recovery

When you are looking for a residential treatment program in San Juan Capistrano, Ocean Hills Recovery is here to help. Our team provides the necessary tools to overcome addiction and avoid relapse. 

We provide a variety of therapy options to suit your needs best. As we develop a tailored treatment plan, we can recommend the best types of therapies for your situation and different amenities you can benefit from. Our team is committed to helping each patient live and maintain a sober life.

To learn more about our San Juan Capistrano residential treatment center and program, contact us today. We are here 24/7 to meet your needs.