Pasadena, a city in Los Angeles County, California, is the most populous city in the San Gabriel Valley. The city is home to approximately 140,000 residents. Also known as the Valley’s primary cultural center, Pasadena is known for being the home of many scientific and educational institutions, including Pasadena City College, Caltech, the Norton Simon Museum, and the Fuller Theological Seminary. Our rehab in Pasadena, CA can help you recover safely and effectively from addiction.

Despite being a cultural hub, Pasadena is heavily impacted by substance use. Drug addiction, alcoholism, and drug-related overdose have devastated individuals and families living in the bustling Southern California community. Fortunately, there is help available to those in need. At Ocean Hills Recovery we have developed a comprehensive addiction treatment program. We offer effective and integrated care, helping Pasadena residents overcome addiction and go on to lead the happy and fulfilling lives they deserve. Contact us today to learn more about our Pasadena, California addiction treatment program. 

Rehab in Pasadena, CA

How Addiction Affects Pasadena

In Pasadena, 61.6% of adults over the age of 18 reported using alcohol in the past month. The rate of alcohol use in Pasadena is higher than the rate of alcohol use in Los Angeles County as a whole at 53.8%. 

Among Pasadena adults, 19.4% engaged in binge drinking in the past month. Binge drinking is defined as consuming a certain amount of alcohol within a specific period of time. For males, this is 5 or more drinks per occasion, and for females, it is 4 or more drinks per occasion. 

Pasadena has lower alcohol death rates than other areas of Los Angeles County. However, the city has a higher vehicle crash rate due to alcohol. Alcohol misuse and dependence are major areas of concern throughout the region. At Ocean Hills Recovery we offer an effective program for alcohol addiction recovery, beginning with inpatient alcohol detox and residential treatment. 

Drug Use In Pasadena

The 2022 Greater Pasadena Health Needs Assessment reports, “Drug overdoses accounted for 16 deaths in Pasadena in 2021, and 181 deaths since 2006. In 2020 and 2021, the age-adjusted death rate was 17.9 and 10.7 per 100,000 persons, respectively. The age-adjusted death rate increased compared to the 2018 age-adjusted death rate of 4.6 per 100,000 persons.”

Among these drug-related deaths, the most common causes were methamphetamines, cocaine, and opiates like heroin, fentanyl, and prescription painkillers. As it stands, fentanyl is the largest drug-related public health threat Pasadena faces. Because the synthetic opioid is so potent, overdose can easily occur. Additionally, many chemical substances are being cut with fentanyl to increase their potency and street value. Many individuals who overdose on fentanyl are unaware that they are ingesting the substance. 

What Do Pasadena Rehab Centers Treat? 

Ocean Hills Recovery treats substance use disorders of all types and severities. To add, our program offers dual-diagnosis treatment options to those struggling with co-occurring mental health conditions. This allows our clinical team to simultaneously treat the symptoms of addiction and any underlying, contributing factors. 

We provide addiction treatment for the following chemical substances:

  • Alcohol
  • Opioids (heroin, fentanyl)
  • Prescription painkillers (oxycodone, hydrocodone)
  • Benzodiazepines 
  • Methamphetamine 
  • Cocaine 
  • Prescription stimulants (Adderall, Ritalin) 

Additionally, we offer dual-diagnosis treatment options for clients with co-occurring mental health concerns. In order for a person to maintain sobriety long-term, all co-occurring disorders must be adequately addressed. 

We provide dual-diagnosis treatment for the following mental health concerns: 

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
  • Panic disorder 
  • Depression 
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Borderline personality disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder

A woman considering rehab in Pasadena, CA.


How Addiction Is Treated In Pasadena

Our Pasadena drug and alcohol addiction treatment center takes a whole-person approach to recovery. This means we focus on the restoration of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. At Ocean Hills Recovery, we have developed a multi-staged addiction treatment process. However, because addiction treatment is not a one-size-fits-all process, each individual treatment plan is carefully crafted by our team of experienced professionals. 

Multi-Staged Addiction Treatment in Pasadena

In most cases, treatment plans follow the same basic structure:

  • Initial Assessment — When new client arrives at our Pasadena rehab center, they undergo a detailed assessment. This helps our clinical team determine which treatment services are going to be the most effective for each unique case. 
  • Medically Monitored Detox — Detoxification is an important initial step. In our Pasadena detox center, clients undergo a safe, pain-free drug or alcohol withdrawal. 
  • Residential/Inpatient Treatment — During residential treatment clients live in a comfortable, structured residence as they undergo full days of treatment. Clients have access to intensive therapeutic care and a range of supplemental modalities. Each individual client identifies the root cause of their substance use and develops the skills and coping mechanisms they need to stay sober long-term. 
  • Outpatient Treatment — At Ocean Hills Recovery we offer a Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) for clients who have already completed medical detox and inpatient treatment. PHP serves as a step-down level of care. Clients attend treatment groups during the day and return home or to a sober living home in the evenings. 
  • Aftercare — Aftercare is essential to the maintenance of sobriety. Each client is discharged from our treatment program with a thorough aftercare plan in place. In most cases, an aftercare plan includes a continuation of individual therapy and 12-Step program involvement. 

We Are Available to Help 24/7, Call Now:

Ocean Hills Recovery is committed to helping people find freedom from addiction. Our facilities are comfortable and welcoming to keep you engaged and focused in the process of recovery. We also offer plenty of amenities to ease the treatment process throughout your stay with us. Contact us today to learn more about our admissions process.

Benefits of Drug Rehab in Pasadena 

There are many benefits that go hand-in-hand with attending drug rehab in Pasadena, California. Not only is the city of Pasadena rich in recovery-related services and resources, but it is home to a wide range of 12-Step program options, making it an ideal place to get sober. Additional benefits of seeking treatment from our drug rehab in Pasadena include:

  • Custom-tailored treatment plans that pay close attention to the unique needs of each individual client. 
  • Individual therapy sessions with a licensed and experienced therapeutic professional.
  • Group therapy sessions that encourage the development of healthy, mutually beneficial relationships with peers. 
  • Family therapy sessions are geared towards restoring healthy family functioning and improving communication and boundary-setting skills. 
  • A range of luxury amenities, making the overall treatment experience as comfortable as possible. 
  • Access to a range of holistic treatment modalities that facilitate mental, emotional, and spiritual healing. 
  • Access to a suite of mental health treatment services, helping those with dual-diagnosis disorders tackle underlying issues and move towards a life of integrated recovery. 

Enjoying rehab through Pasadena, CA.

Begin Healing at Our Pasadena Rehab 

If you or someone you love is struggling with drug or alcohol addiction in Pasadena, California, Ocean Hills Recovery can help. We provide integrated and individualized addiction recovery programs that encompass a wide range of effective treatment modalities and encourage lasting recovery. We offer treatment services in Pasadena, California, and all surrounding areas. 

To learn more about our drug and alcohol rehab center in Pasadena or to begin your personal journey toward a happier, healthier life, contact us today.