The Importance of Aftercare in Addiction Recovery

The Importance of Aftercare in Addiction Recovery

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Statistics show that between 40 and 60 percent of people will relapse following a substance use treatment plan [1]. To prevent this from happening, aftercare in addiction recovery is vital. Aftercare gives people the support they need to resist temptation, stay on a sober path, and live productive lives once their treatment program is over. At Ocean Hills Recovery, we are committed to providing people with the strategies they need to make this happen.

Aftercare in Addiction Recovery Strategies

There are many things that people can do to provide themselves with the aftercare they need following a treatment program. A solid aftercare plan can include:

Ongoing Therapy

Ongoing therapy is essential because it provides people with someone to talk to as they face temptations in everyday life. Through treatment, patients can continue to work on the issues that may have led them down a troubled path. They can also continue to learn coping mechanisms that can help them remain sober.

Support Groups

Support groups are an essential component of an aftercare recovery plan because they allow people to talk to those who are going through the same things they are. They can talk about their challenges, share stories, and learn from each other.

Sober Living

While people may complete their treatment program, they may not be ready to live independently. Sober living homes and environments provide the temporary transition some people need to bridge that gap. Sober living provides a secure environment where people can continue to work on their coping skills in a substance-free setting. These living situations typically include mandatory meetings, regular drug screenings, and household chores.


Self-care is also an essential part of the aftercare process because if you don’t take care of yourself, you may be prone to relapse. Eating right, getting exercise, and getting enough sleep are all vital in maintaining proper self-care during recovery and after.

Practice Deep Breathing and Meditation

Deep breathing techniques and meditation can help you relax and de-stress. Since many people turn to substances to relieve stress, eliminating stress more naturally is a better choice and one you want to include in your aftercare plan. Many online tutorials and podcasts offer guided meditation to help get you on the right path. These exercises can be quick and provide you with the centering calm that is necessary during recovery and beyond.

Identify Triggers

Identifying triggers is vital because it provides patients with a list of people, places, and situations that can impact their recovery and stir cravings. Being aware of these and taking steps to avoid them can lead to a more successful recovery.

Engage in Meaningful Activities

For many, substance use took over their entire lives, so when they are no longer using substances, finding meaningful activities is essential. This is a great time to explore new hobbies, learn new skills, and meet new people who will encourage your recovery and not tempt you to relapse. Many people use this time to take a class to learn a new skill and explore nature.

Set Realistic Goals

Setting realistic goals is vital for staying motivated and remaining sober. Many people use the SMART goal-setting technique.[2] This calls for goals to be:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Time-bound

Beginning with small, manageable goals will allow you to accomplish them and gain the self-esteem you need to succeed. You can then build upon these and progress towards larger goals. Allow yourself time to accomplish these goals, remembering that recovery is a marathon, not a sprint.

Seek Substance Use Treatment Programs at Ocean Hills Recovery

Ocean Hills Recovery provides personalized programs to help people battle their substance use. We get to know each patient and devise a plan specifically for them. Our individualized plans include detox programs, inpatient residential treatment, 12-step recovery, and more. Besides offering patients the care they need to get sober, we also give them the tools they need to cope and remain on their sober paths. All of this is done in the calm and relaxing setting our Orange County, CA, center offers.

Contact Ocean Hills Recovery today to learn how our substance use treatment programs can help you.






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