The Prevalence of Mood Disorders and Addiction, and How Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers in California Can Help

The Prevalence of Mood Disorders and Addiction

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Many people struggling with mood disorders and addiction only recognize one or the other as a problem. A person tends to either feel that their mood disorder is the cause of their troubles, or they feel that addiction has the strongest hold over their life. Few realize without assistance that the two are almost inextricably linked. The majority of people who suffer from a mood disorder also suffer from addiction, and vice versa. This is why Ocean Hills Recovery, as one of the leading dual diagnosis treatment centers in California, makes every effort to treat both conditions simultaneously.

What is the link between mood disorders and addiction?

Patients who have a mood disorder are twice as likely compared to the general population to also struggle with substance abuse disorder. Likewise, patients with substance abuse disorder are also twice as likely to suffer from a mood disorder.[1]

What are the most commonly experienced mood disorders that occur alongside substance addiction?

  • Bipolar disorder tops the list. According to the American Journal of Psychiatry, “The lifetime prevalence rate of any bipolar disorder and any substance use disorder is 47.3%, and for bipolar I disorder and any substance use disorder, 60.3%.”[2]
  • Depression is also heavily comorbid with substance abuse disorder. Depression has “lifetime rates of 40.3% for any alcohol use disorder and 17.2% for any drug use disorder. For major depression and alcohol dependence, the lifetime rate is 21%.”[2] New research published in Frontiers in Psychiatry explores the link between the anhedonia, or lack of pleasure, interest, and excitement, experienced by people with depression and the rates of comorbid substance use disorders.[3]

Mood disorders are not the only psychiatric conditions associated with an increased risk of substance abuse.

  • PTSD patients are three times more likely than the general population to abuse substances.[4]
  • Mental health diagnoses in general, regardless of whether they are classified as mood disorders, anxiety disorders, or something else, share a huge overlap with substance use (not necessarily substance abuse disorder) in general.[5]

Because of the sometimes-fuzzy nature of the line that distinguishes a traditional mood disorder[6] from other mental health conditions, it is easy to mistake one condition for another. This is especially the case when co-occurring addiction further complicates matters with additional symptoms. Be sure to choose a treatment facility that specializes in dual diagnosis so you receive the most accurate information and treatment plan for your conditions.

Where can you turn if you’re looking for dual diagnosis treatment centers in California?

Ocean Hills Recovery provides many resources to help you learn about dual diagnosis and what it means for your individual treatment needs.

Whether you suffer from addiction and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), or a classic mood disorder such as depression or bipolar disorder, OHR wants to help you through it. Our dual diagnosis treatment center prioritizes both your mood disorder and your substance addiction as two sides of the same coin, rather than trying to separate the two and address one over the other.

We help you heal holistically as you attend one of our various treatment program levels. You will receive counseling from dual diagnosis professionals in addition to medically supervised detox as you relax and return to health in our beautiful facility by the ocean in Dana Point.

To get started on your journey to wellness today, call Ocean Hills Recovery or send us a message on our contact page. Every patient has different needs that come with their varying dual diagnoses. Because of this, we offer custom treatment plans. Be sure to ask about all of the options available. You can put your addiction and mood disorder behind you in a way that fits realistically with your lifestyle.








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