The length of your stay at drug and alcohol rehab will vary for each person attending rehab and from treatment center to treatment center. Most inpatient programs are at least 30 days long; however, some programs may incorporate a shorter inpatient stay with a more extended outpatient stay. The best rehab centers will provide a more custom treatment plan for each person that takes into account the individual’s needs before determining the length of treatment. Ocean Hills Recovery offers a variety of options for addiction treatment. A typical stay at our inpatient drug and alcohol rehab programs last between 30 to 45 days.
Outpatient is an excellent option for people who are unable to take time away from work or their families while receiving addiction treatment. Inpatient treatment is an excellent option for people who can be away from their work or families for at least several weeks for treatment. We recommend that you contact a reliable treatment center, like Ocean Hills Recovery, for a complete assessment before you decide whether inpatient or outpatient treatment for addiction is best for you.
The answer to whether you should go away or stay local for addiction treatment is very individual. Many people need to get away from their everyday life for them to fully submerge themselves in their addiction recovery process. For these individuals, going to an out of state treatment center is the best option to be able to commit fully and concentrate on their recovery. For others, this is not an option because of work or family obligations.
There are options for drug rehab, even if you don’t have insurance. When you decide to get help, the best thing to do is to find a treatment philosophy that you believe may help and contact them for assistance. Rehab professionals can help you determine if you have insurance coverage for addiction treatment, and what options are best for you. Many drug rehabs accept insurance but also have private pay, or financing options available. Contact our rehab admissions specialist today, and we can help you navigate insurance questions, payment options, and treatment plans.
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration website is a great place to start when you are looking for a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center. We recommend that you make a list of a few different centers to contact and speak with them to get a feel for their programs, therapies, and staff and find the center that you feel most comfortable with. Have a list of questions that you can ask each center to help you through the process. One of the most important questions to ask is if the rehab holds accreditation by CARF. Having a state license is no longer enough to ensure that a rehab center is reputable. If the rehab holds CARF accreditation, they have had to meet a more strict set of guidelines and procedures.
Many people require detox to help manage withdrawal from alcohol and other drugs. There are several factors that we take into consideration to determine if you will need detox before addiction treatment. Our admissions professionals work with each person to obtain a thorough history of substance use and other medical conditions to help make the appropriate recommendations for care. You must give accurate information so that we can keep you as comfortable as possible if you are experiencing withdrawal symptoms. However, detox is only the first step in addiction recovery. For long-lasting addiction recovery, a person must deal with the underlying issues that lead to substance use in the first place. Contact us today for a confidential assessment.