Author Archives:
Greg Doss, CATCI

About Greg Doss, CATCI

Greg opened his home and heart to alcoholics and addicts in 2003. He is a Certified Addictions Treatment Counselor (CATCI). Starting in 2009 Greg has fostered the growth of Ocean Hills Recovery into one of the most respected and effective treatment centers in the area and has been working with people with addictions since March of 2001. Greg believes in a holistic approach to recovery. His focus is on drug alcohol addiction treatment with a combination of 12 Step work, therapy and counseling, and the rejuvenation of the body through healthful eating and exercise. He has designed his program to foster a family-like atmosphere and believes that people in recovery are just beginning their lives. He encourages the people he works with to learn to enjoy life in sobriety. Greg is married to Nicole; they have two adorable sons together and an energetic yellow Labrador Retriever.

Articles from this author:

  • How Does Addiction Impact Women?
    Friday, September 15th, 2023

    How Does Addiction Impact Women?

    Anyone can struggle with addiction, and women are not immune to these struggles. In fact, the impacts of addiction on women can be more severe than on men. There...
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  • What Makes Carfentanil So Dangerous?
    Friday, August 18th, 2023

    What Makes Carfentanil So Dangerous?

    Carfentanil is dangerous. There is no other way of putting it. The amount of carfentanil that it takes to cause a fatal overdose is so minuscule, and it can...
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  • What Are the Stages of Alcohol Abuse?
    Friday, August 4th, 2023

    What Are the Stages of Alcohol Abuse?

    The alcohol abuse stages can progress quickly, causing changes in the lives of individuals who struggle with the substance. Alcohol addiction affects a number of people across the United...
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  • The Top 10 Deadliest Drugs
    Friday, July 21st, 2023

    The Top 10 Deadliest Drugs

    The top 10 deadliest drugs can have severe impacts on someone’s life. They can lead to addiction and death. Struggling with any of these substances can be harmful to...
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  • End Stage Cocaine Abuse
    Friday, July 14th, 2023

    End Stage Cocaine Abuse

    End-stage cocaine abuse can lead to some severe consequences. These consequences can affect a person’s health, and emotional well-being, and can affect their social engagements. Struggling with cocaine abuse...
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  • Treatment for Hydrocodone Addiction
    Sunday, July 12th, 2020

    Treatment for Hydrocodone Addiction

    Hydrocodone is an opioid class of drugs that are prescribed to help people deal with their pain. It is most commonly sold under the Vicodin name. Other brand names...
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