California Luxury rehab

California Luxury Drug Rehab – What It Is & What It Isn’t

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Many people imagine California luxury rehab to be synonymous with a five-star resort or spa. Although luxury rehabs offer comfortable facilities and plenty of activities and amenities, they’re not an indulgence. They’re a place where hard work happens as people who have struggled with substance abuse disorders focus on recovery. 

California Luxury Rehab Offers an Alternative Environment

In the 1980s, a shift from long-term psychiatric hospitals to community mental health centers occurred. Before that, if you were trying to break the cycle of drug abuse, your options were limited. You could detox in a hospital or stay in an institution with a clinical atmosphere, but there were fewer comfortable addiction treatment centers with home-like environments. 

That was a key barrier to many people who were seeking recovery. Although tough love is one approach to treating a substance abuse disorder, showing kindness and compassion to patients in a more sensitive environment may be more effective.

Today, a variety of rehab environments exist so that individuals can find the right kind of care for their needs. For individuals who earn higher salaries and have promising careers, a luxury rehab offers an alternative option to a traditional facility. 

Most luxury rehab centers make it their mission to treat their clients with empathy, respect and love. If you choose to attend a luxury rehab center, you’re not just a patient; you become part of a family. 

Luxury Rehab Is Not a Spa

Although many high-end rehab centers offer spa-like services, they are not created to help you take a vacation from your life. Instead, they’re designed to help you immerse yourself in healing. 

Every aspect of a luxury rehab center centers on wellness. Staying in a resort-like facility that offers sparkling pools and yoga every morning seems relaxing, and it is. For many people, stress is a major trigger for drug use. Being the provider in the household and holding down a career that brings in a significant income is a major responsibility. You might need to break the ties to your overwhelming obligations before the real healing can begin. 

Treatment Approaches at Luxury Rehab

The approaches to treatment that are used at many luxury rehab centers are multifaceted. Because addiction is also complex, it may require treatment from many angles. For example, psychotherapy has been proven to help people maintain long-term sobriety. However, learning to express yourself through creative pursuits and develop coping skills through challenging activities can also be effective. 

The amenities at a California luxury rehab are implemented with clients’ needs in mind. For example, gourmet meals provide nutrition therapy that allows individuals to improve their physical health as they work on their psychological wellness. Massage, meditation and aromatherapy provide relaxation and open individuals’ consciousness to help them become receptive to various treatment modalities. 

Luxury Rehab Provides Community

One of the hardest parts of attending rehab is leaving your social and professional circles. However, those groups of people may be triggers for your patterns of drug use. At luxury rehab, you can surround yourself with people who come from similar circles and are experiencing comparable challenges. 

Many people don’t expect someone with an impressive resume and high income level to struggle with addiction. Unfortunately, substance abuse doesn’t discriminate. People from all demographics experience trauma, mental illness and addiction. 

At a luxury rehab, top earners can be open about their experiences with others who are dealing with the same issues. They can gain confidence as they realize that they’re not alone in their journey. 

Aligning yourself with people who have similar lifestyles can help you get the proper support as you move through rehab. If you have been sustaining an executive-level job while using drugs, you’re in a different place than someone who has lost everything. You might even feel as though your problems are not as significant as those of others who are dealing with homelessness or lack of income. That way of thinking can prevent you from seeking help in the first place or continuing with your treatment once it has started. 

Luxury Rehab Gives You Added Confidentiality

Sadly, there is still a stigma associated with addiction. Many people avoid going to rehab because they’re afraid of what others may think of them. This is especially true for people who lead others or are in the public eye. 

Luxury rehab centers provide security and confidentiality. They’re often small, with private rooms and intimate settings. They may sprawl out on plenty of land or be separated from the rest of the community with gates and walls. This is important for people who want to maintain discretion while they’re attending rehab. 

Although there are some criticisms of the luxury rehab model, it has proven to be effective for many people. One of the hallmarks of California luxury rehab is that it provides individualized care. When you’re paying top dollar, you can tailor your treatment to your specific needs. It’s hard to argue that personalized therapy isn’t what most people need to thrive in lasting recovery.

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, contact Ocean Hills Recovery today.

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