dual diagnosis orange county why do i need it

Dual Diagnosis Treatment: Why Do I Need It?

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Often, people come to rehab without realizing they have an underlying mental health concern. Once they have begun therapies and counseling, they may find that depression and anxiety have contributed to their addiction. This is why seeking help from a dual diagnosis Orange County rehab that is both reputable and accredited will benefit an individual in the long run.

In the world of addiction treatment, the prevailing opinion[1] of today is that substance abuse and mental illness go hand-in-hand. The treatment of such joined disorders is called “dual diagnosis treatment” because each of the two disorders should be treated simultaneously.

The Link Between Addiction and Mental Illness

Since each individual is unique, it is not clear whether the mental illness or substance abuse comes first. Researchers in Australia[2], however, have shown that the comorbidity between the two conditions results from a range of factors, including:

  • Pre-existing neurological vulnerability, such as when substance abuse triggers a previous mental-health condition
  • The propensity of mentally ill patients to self-medicate, often because of the stigma associated with seeking mental health treatment
  • The dysfunction of the brain’s reward circuitry where the patient only experiences pleasure while under the effects of the drug in question

Recent data from the Journal of the American Medical Association[3] indicate that 53 percent of drug abusers, and 37 percent of alcoholics, specifically, have a severe mental illness. Further, 29 percent of the American people will show some symptoms of mental illness, substance abuse, or both during their lifetimes.

It is also common for patients not to realize that they have one or more mental illnesses. In these cases, the expertise of counselors and medical professionals well-versed in dual diagnosis Orange County is invaluable. The advantage is obvious. One center can perform the treatments instead of having to send the patient from one place to the other and back again.

The Challenges

There are difficulties with delivering top-flight treatment for two conditions at once, such as poor medication compliance on the part of the patients, increased aggression and suicide risk, and possible incarceration for bad acts committed while in treatment. Fortunately, a treatment center like the dual diagnosis Orange County facility is usually on top of all that.

The chief problem with dual diagnosis and group therapy is that each person who suffers from both addiction and mental illness might be addicted to something different and suffer from various mental illnesses. Ocean Hills Recovery and its staff understand these complexities and have developed treatment programs that reinforce not only the benefits of group therapy but also the specialized individual attention that each person in therapy needs.

To start, Ocean Hills Recovery will do all the necessary screening and assessment to determine each patient’s medical condition, treatment needs, and outlook. We will then screen both for physical and mental ailments other than the addiction that brings each patient to us. Our trusted staff will consult with doctors and nurses to develop integrated treatment plans that are designed to help each patient be successful in throwing off the yoke of addiction and getting healthy.

The Importance of “The Transition”

Because our treatment center also partners with other agencies in Orange County, they can help prepare patients for their transition back to their normal lives after completing treatment. The centers work with the Orange County Social Services, the Orange County Employment Development Department, and other agencies. They teach patients coping skills as they look for new jobs, strive to get back lost jobs, and either find new housing or recover old housing. Such reinforcement of positive behaviors and forward-thinking is crucial for patients. They must feel as if someone is always “in their corner” so that they don’t feel alone and beyond hope.

Whether you have a mental health diagnosis or not, it is crucial to seek a reputable and accredited dual diagnosis facility like Ocean Hills Recovery.  Our trained staff is ready to help you get you gain control of your life once and for all.


[1] https://europepmc.org/abstract/med/16961418

[2] https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Monika_Merkes/publication/46008619_Barriers_to_comorbidity_service_delivery_The_complexities_of_dual_diagnosis_and_the_need_to_agree_on_terminology_and_conceptual_frameworks/links/56fb4dc808ae1b40b804de03.pdf

[3] https://www.hindawi.com/journals/psychiatry/2018/5697103/

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