Heroin Rehab Dana Point: The Need for Drug Task Forces

The Need for Drug Task Forces

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A story that was published in a San Francisco newspaper (1) recently reflects the story of many heroin addicts who struggle to get real help in California. In the story, the man recounted his experiences of having easy access to clean drug paraphernalia from outreach workers. However, nobody offered him solutions to stop using or accessing a treatment bed. He is not alone. Fortunately, task forces are appearing to help reduce drug availability and to provide individuals with resources for heroin rehab in California. For those who are searching for heroin rehab in Dana Point or San Diego, the good news is that task forces are also in the San Diego and Dana Point areas.

What Are Drug Task Forces?

Although reducing heroin use is a top goal of task forces, they also work to help those who are abusing other street drugs or prescription drugs. Task forces may consist of local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies. Some include health professionals and other volunteers. They work together with the goal of eliminating drug use instead of reducing harm by providing supplies to drug users.

What Do Task Forces Do?

Promoting awareness is one of the top goals of task forces. When the community members are aware of issues and risks, they have a better understanding of what they can do to help and the potential impact of their cooperation.

For example, parents may not think that their teens are taking expired medications from the medicine cabinet. Prescription drug abuse may escalate or lead to forms of street drug abuse.

Programs that educate people about the safe disposal of medications can reduce the availability of them. Also, participating law enforcement agencies have programs to help track down drug traffickers who sell heroin and other drugs on the street. Some task forces that consist of education leaders and volunteers connect people to treatment programs.

Nearby Drug Task Force Resources

Task forces use technology, law enforcement resources, and current knowledge of addiction treatment. This makes them more effective in helping reduce drug abuse, limit substance access, and increase treatment access. For those who are searching for drug or heroin rehab in Dana Point, these are some of the top task forces to be aware of:

  • SAY San Diego helps adolescents and children develop healthy lifestyles, get treatment and stay away from drugs. (2)
  • The San Diego Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention Program is part of a multi-agency task force to reduce access to narcotics and boost awareness of abuse potential. (3)
  • The San Diego RX Abuse Task Force works to promote awareness of the proper disposal of unused prescriptions and helps properly dispose of them. (4)
  • The Orange County Heroes Against Heroin organization connects people with treatment and prevention resources. (5)
  • The Orange County Sheriff’s Office has a drug task force that works to limit access to drugs by going after dealers and smugglers. (6)

Multi-agency law enforcement task forces are also targeting issues that are fueling drug abuse. For example, the Dana Point Homeless Task Force (7) is working to reduce homelessness, which is a contributing factor that has been on the rise. Additionally, San Diego has a DEA overdose response team. (8)

Heroin Rehab California: Why Task Forces Are Important for Dana Point and San Diego

Drug abuse has been especially problematic during the last few years in Orange County’s Dana Point and in San Diego County. There were 577 accidental overdose deaths in 2018 in San Diego.  Approximately 275 overdose deaths were tied to opioids, and more than 50% of those deaths included fentanyl. (9) Many of those deaths involved heroin that was laced with fentanyl. Since 2016, overdose deaths have been climbing in Orange County. As of the end of 2019, Orange County had the most opioid deaths in California. (10) According to the Orange County Coroner, heroin deaths increased by nearly 120% during the last several years. (11)

The dangers of heroin and fentanyl-laced heroin show the importance of task forces and their work in getting drugs off the streets. The growing problems also highlight the need for further education to make the communities of San Diego and Dana Point more aware of the heroin and opioid problems.

Seek Help Today at Heroin Rehab Dana Point

For those who struggle with addiction and want to find the most effective heroin rehab California has to offer, Ocean Hills Recovery is here to help. We empower people in these ways:

  • Give them the tools needed to safely beat addiction.
  • Provide them with actionable strategies to break the cycle of addiction.
  • Connect them to resources that help them live meaningful and productive lives.

Also, our staff members and professionals provide compassionate care, support, and understanding. Please contact Ocean Hills Recovery today to learn more about treatment options.



(1) https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/heatherknight/article/It-s-life-or-death-Recovering-addict-14920338.php#photo-18783119
(2) https://www.saysandiego.org/
(3) https://sdsheriff.net/prescription-drugs/index.html
(4) https://www.sandiegorxabusetaskforce.org/
(5) https://www.ocfl.net/FamiliesHealthSocialSvcs/OrangeCountyHeroinTaskForce/HeroesAgainstHeroin.aspx#.Xh0fhchKjIV
(6) https://www.ocso.com/Services/Operational-Services/Criminal-Investigation-Division/Narcotics-Section
(7) http://www.danapoint.org/department/commissions-subcommittees-boards/homeless-task-force
(8) https://www.kpbs.org/news/2018/sep/24/soaring-fentanyl-related-overdoses-prompts-new-san/
(9) https://www.kpbs.org/news/2018/jun/07/deaths-surge-fentanyl-laced-street-drugs-san-diego/
(10) https://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2019/12/04/orange-county-opioid-deaths/
(11) https://www.ocregister.com/2019/03/28/fentanyl-deaths-jump-in-orange-county-but-overall-opioid-deaths-dip-for-first-time-ever/

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