marijuana cause illness

Marijuana is Legal in California; But Can Marijuana Cause Illness?

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The Argument to Legalize Marijuana is Filled with Medical Uses, But Does Marijuana Cause Illness? Marijuana is legal in 30 states and the District of Columbia, but this is largely for medicinal purposes. However, 13 of these states are currently allowing users to smoke marijuana for recreational purposes. On January 1, recreational marijuana was legalized […]

alternative addiction treatment

Alternative Addiction Treatment Methods

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At one time, addiction was seen as a problem that afflicted the weak. It was thought that anyone could stop using drugs if he or she had enough willpower. More recently, doctors have learned that addiction is a complex disease changes the brain in ways that completely negate your willpower. Most people have no control […]

marijuana and schizophrenia

The Link Between Marijuana and Schizophrenia

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The link between marijuana use during the teenage years and the development of schizophrenia later in life seems to be established, according to the World’s Psychiatric Institution. For decades, scientists have speculated on the correlation between early marijuana use and the later onset of psychosis. That such a correlation existed was even the subject of […]

addiction self-help books

Using Addiction Self-Help Books

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If you are like the countless other people who are battling addiction and looking for a way out, you are likely wondering if addiction self help books can allow you to break free from the habit. Although books are a great resource and will provide you with useful tips and tricks, the information you get […]

adult child struggling with addiction

Helping an Adult Child Struggling with Addiction

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Substance abuse problems can be devastating both for the person struggling with addiction and for his or her family. Watching your child battle with addiction is frightening and frustrating; it’s easy to feel hopeless when faced with the challenge of providing support without enabling your child’s addiction. Addiction takes over a person’s life. People with […]

addiction vaccination

Is Addiction Vaccination a Real Thing?

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Substance abuse and drug addiction are major problems affecting the health and financial burden of our country today. It’s estimated that millions of American adults face these serious issues each year. The serious nature of these problems has led to discussions regarding various solutions for attacking the issue on a global scale. One such possible […]

effects of marijuana

What are the Effects of Marijuana? Can Marijuana be Deadly?

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Made from the dried flowers, leaves, and stem of the Cannabis sativa hemp plant, marijuana is one of the most widely abused drugs in the world. It can be smoked, mixed with food, or brewed like tea. Many people mistakenly assume that marijuana is completely harmless because some jurisdictions have approved its medicinal and recreational […]

high functioning alcoholism

How Did I Not Know? High Functioning Alcoholism

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What comes to mind when you think of an alcoholic? You might think of a coworker who frequently gets drunk, makes a fool of herself, and needs a ride home. You may recall a former neighbor who lost his family, his job, and his reputation to heavy drinking. Like you, most people envision someone who […]

narcan parties

Are ‘Narcan® Parties’ A Real Thing?

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Intentionally overdosing on narcotics with the intention of being brought back to life sounds like the plot of a science fiction movie, but it may be reality across some parts of the country. Tales of these so-called “Narcan® parties” are frustrating local emergency responders and adding further complexity to the issues surrounding opioid addiction and […]