Naloxone for Overdose, california rehab centers

Naloxone for Overdose – What Happens When Naloxone is Administered?

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From New York hospitals to California rehab centers, all across the nation physicians are administering the lifesaving drug Naloxone for overdose.  Users of heroin, morphine, or hydrocodone who have overdosed, but are still alive, may very well be thanking this incredible drug. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports there has been a […]

krokodil drug

The Krokodil Drug: Effects, Abuse and Warnings

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Sometimes referred to as “the world’s deadliest drug” or “the zombie drug,” krokodil has become one of the most potent and dangerous drugs in the world. The krokodil drug’s active ingredient is desomorphine, a semi-synthetic opioid developed as a cheap and more potent alternative to morphine. However, its sometimes-fatal side effects, combined with its incredibly […]

am i addicted

Am I Addicted?

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Everyone enjoys engaging in activities that bring happiness, pleasure, and provide a break from life’s stressors. This can include things which are both enjoyable and healthy, such as going for a hike in nature, playing a game with friends, or spending a night binging on your latest favorite show. But it can also include things […]

Orange County Rehab for Professionals

Orange County Rehab for Professionals

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Addiction is an insidious disease that does not discriminate. Intelligent, respected professionals from good backgrounds are just as susceptible as anyone else. Perhaps your addiction may trace back to that one extra drink at happy hour. You may have asked your doctor to prescribe something for insomnia, or temporary back pain may have resulted in […]

mental health and addiction in women

Mental Health and Addiction in Women

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Much of the focus on addiction is on men, and it is true that, on average, men do use drugs from an earlier age, more often and in larger amounts than women do. For example, one out of every five men develop alcohol dependence at some point in their lives while one in 12 women do[1]. […]

meth addiction treatment california

Meth Addiction is Still a Thing in California

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Over recent years, meth addiction treatment California has seen an increase in the use of meth with its patients. Although we are now in the middle of an opioid epidemic, hardly anybody remembers that there was a methamphetamine crisis.  Before 2005, the United States was experiencing a methamphetamine crisis. It was so bad at the […]

LGBTQ+ rehab california

LGBTQ+ Rehab: Addiction Recovery for LGBTQ+ Community —Inclusive Addiction Treatment

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As anyone who works in addiction treatment can attest, addiction doesn’t discriminate. For those who already face ongoing discrimination due to their sexual orientation or gender identity, seeking addiction treatment can be particularly daunting. If you are LGBTQ+ and are ready to reclaim your life, you’re probably unsure about where to turn for help. One […]

ready for addiction treatment california

6 Signs You’re Ready for Addiction Treatment

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Fortunately, one of the best signs that you’re ready for addiction treatment California is that you’re here, reading this. Simply finding this on your own is a great sign that you’re looking to get your life back on track and get it back towards where it was before you started spiraling down this hole. 1. […]

marijuana side efffects, marijuana legal in california

Marijuana Legal in California: Marijuana Side Effects Cause for Concern?

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Some people refer to marijuana as a gateway drug. Others say that it’s perfectly safe, especially when used medicinally. For people with certain conditions, the benefits of using marijuana may outweigh the risks. However, with marijuana legal in California, it’s important to understand that using marijuana can have negative side effects. Some people are concerned […]