Sobriety’s Reliance On Mental Health Treatment, mental health and drug rehab

Sobriety’s Reliance On Mental Health Treatment

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Sobriety’s Reliance On Mental Health Treatment

The path to sobriety requires that you understand how your mental health relates to drug and alcohol dependency. Those who suffer from mental challenges, like depression and anxiety, often self-medicate with illicit drugs or drinking. People diagnosed with mood or anxiety disorders are about twice as likely[1] as the general population to also suffer from substance disorder. In sobriety, however, the drug and alcohol coping tools are removed. This means you must expand your recovery efforts to mental health treatment in addition to your physical wellbeing.

The overlapping symptoms of substance abuse and mental illness make it necessary to involve a professional California dual diagnosis treatment center. Mental health and drug rehab go hand-in-hand. Working with certified substance abuse specialists will help you build healthy habits to overcome stressors and triggers that promote drug and alcohol reliance.

Drug Rehab and Mental Health Treatment

The process of simultaneously diagnosing a mental health condition and a substance abuse condition is known as dual diagnosis. For mental health and drug rehab patients, untangling the emotions attached to both conditions can lead to comprehensive, tailored treatment and long-term sobriety. More than 8.4 million people in the U.S. have both a mental and substance use disorder.  However, less than 8 percent of people are treated for both conditions. More than half (53.7%)[2] receive no treatment at all.

The challenge with a dual diagnosis and continuing sobriety is that treating and eliminating one independent of the other typically doesn’t produce long-lasting results. Just because a patient stops drinking, doesn’t necessarily mean their symptoms of depression or anxiety will subside. It’s necessary to understand the two conditions and how they are codependent on one another. Only then can your drug rehab specialist develop a plan to treat both challenges.

Prioritizing your Mental Health and Drug Rehab

The first step to understanding how your mental health and alcohol reliance are related is through dual diagnosis. By choosing an experienced California dual diagnosis treatment center, you’ll receive customized care that addresses your personal challenges. During your journey toward mental health and sobriety, there are several lifestyle changes you can make to support yourself to long-term success.

1. Get some sleep.

Harvard research[3] suggests sleep problems are particularly common in patients with anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Make lifestyle choices that allow restful sleep to support your mental health.

2. Nourish your body.

Fueling your body with the proper nutrition allows you to think more clearly. It creates more energy for an active lifestyle and promotes vitamin and nutrient absorption for faster physical healing. As one of the leading dual diagnosis centers in California, Ocean Hills Recovery can help you develop an individualized diet plan to support your recovery.

3. Find support.

Ocean Hills Recovery offers customized treatment for each patient. Some patients who are working through a dual diagnosis prefer one-on-one counseling. Others opt for a more engaging environment. A 12-step recovery plan is group focused and allows you to connect with others who are facing similar challenges.

4. Discover new places and activities.

The road to recovery needs to lead you away from locations that drive the need for alcohol or drugs. Experience the outdoors and other new places to keep your mind clear and take time to focus on your mental and physical healing. Whether it’s a walk on a nearby nature trail or volunteering at your local animal shelter, find an activity that requires physical attentiveness and keeps your mind occupied.

5. Keep a gratitude journal.

As you discover the people, places, and things around you that you’re grateful for, write them down in a journal. Harvard research[4] shows gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Jot down three to five things each day you’re grateful for. You’ll not only develop more positive emotions, but you’ll also be able to deal with adversity and build stronger relationships.

Finding Treatment for Mental Health and Drug Rehab

Dual diagnosis is the most effective way to ensure you receive proper mental health treatment while overcoming substance abuse disorder. The professional drug specialists at Ocean Hills Recovery can answer your questions. They will help you better understand how a tailored treatment plan can benefit you. One that addresses both your physical and mental wellbeing gives you a much higher chance at long-term sobriety. Contact our experienced staff today to learn more about our dual diagnosis program and how it can meet your needs.






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