12 Step Rehab Vs. Alcoholics Anonymous

12 Step Rehab Vs. Alcoholics Anonymous

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When fighting an addiction to alcohol, the 12 step rehab program is one of the most popular approaches. While the 12 step method is most often associated with the framework of the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) model, it is important to remember that it can also be used in a traditional rehabilitation center as well. In this article, we will take a look at the 12 step model: what it is, what each individual step is, and the differences between working a 12 step rehab program versus a 12 step AA approach.

What is Alcoholics Anonymous?

The Alcoholics Anonymous program is one of the oldest forms of treatment for alcoholism. It is not meant to be a singular cure-all for addiction treatment, but rather a lifelong process and guideline for the best way to overcome life’s haunting difficulties. And the method is not just meant for the treatment of alcoholism—there are programs for addictions to cocaine and debt problems as well.

AA is typically held as a meeting where people come voluntarily. Meetings are regularly accessible in any city and are open to both members and walk-ins at any time. Within the context of regularly scheduled meetings and group talk therapy, AA is centered on the 12 step model.

The 12 Step Rehab Model:

The 12 step model is a combination of both personal beliefs and actions meant to guide users back to a centered approach to life that does not include alcohol. The 12 steps are heavily based on spirituality, though not necessarily an out-and-out religious approach. In fact, many teach that there is no wrong way to approach the 12 step program, as long as it is utilized to help each individual succeed.

Here is an enumerated look at the specific 12 step rehab model:

  1. Admit your powerlessness over alcohol
  2. Believe that only a Power greater than yourself can restore your sanity
  3. Make a decision to turn your will over to God, in whatever form you perceive God to be
  4. Perform a fearless moral inventory of yourself
  5. Admit the exact nature of your wrongdoings to God, yourself and to others involved
  6. Be ready to have God remove all of these character flaws
  7. Humbly ask God to remove all shortcomings
  8. Make a list of all the people you have hurt and be willing to make amends to each of them
  9. Make direct amends to such people wherever possible, barring further injury to said persons
  10. Continue to take inventory of wrongs and prompt admittance of them
  11. Use of prayer and meditation to contact God and have the power to carry out His will
  12. At the completion of these steps, a spiritual awakening should follow and then try to carry these messages to both other alcoholics and into all aspects of your daily life

The 12 Steps Within Rehabilitation Treatment

Joining AA and using the 12 step rehab model within this system is very much at will; you can choose to get a sponsor and decide how often you would like to go. It is a much more freeform approach to recovery.

Using the 12 step program within a residential rehabilitation program is much more supervised and guided. Within Ocean Hills Recovery, the 12 step rehab program is one facet of a much more comprehensive approach that is tailored to fit the unique needs of each individual. Just as no two people are the same, we believe that no two addictions are the same.

The staff at Ocean Hills Recovery takes great care to make sure that all holistic needs are addressed. In Collaborative Recovery, your progress will be supported throughout the journey. We can recalibrate and readjust the plan as needed, depending on how the individual feels about their success and their goals. We also keep a close watch on biological, psychological and social factors as we administer the 12 steps.

Effectiveness of the 12 Step Program

The exact numbers behind the success of this model cannot truly be measured as many people implement this method within the safety of anonymity. However, the 12 step model is the most prominent and most prolific. Out of those who report using this approach, the success rate is very high. The promise of guidance and accountability is very attractive to anyone looking to recover from an addiction to alcohol. These factors contribute to building up a strong, consistent foundation of support necessary for navigating the many ups and downs of a recovery effort. The 12 step method helps many individuals to not only get clean but to stay that way.

If you or someone you know is interested in utilizing the 12 step model within a rehab facility, we highly encourage you to contact Ocean Hills Recovery. We have many options for blended treatment, as well as your pick of 30, 60, or 90-day residential treatment programs. Call us for more information.


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