Tiger Woods Addiction Treatment at Rehab

Tiger Woods Back to Rehab To Keep Kids After Drugs Found in System

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Tiger Woods 3AM DUI Arrest

After imbibing a tad too many of his pain prescription drugs, the golfer was found by police officers slumped on his damaged Mercedes SUV with its engine running. In a drunken stupor, the father of two is seen swaying in the street and speaking incoherently as he is taken to test for sobriety.

The police later lead him to the Jupiter police station where he struggles to blow into a breathalyzer before he slumps on a chair and sleeps in the middle of being processed.

Police didn’t find any alcohol in his system. However, the 41-year old had taken a cocktail of potent prescription drugs including Torix, Vicodin, Soloxex, and Vioxx.

He will appear in court on 5th July to answer to charges of driving under the influence. If and once convicted, he might face up to six months behind bars and a fine of $100,000.

‘I Take Full Responsibility for My Actions’ – Woods’ Apology

The golfer, in a statement sent to the press, was clearly remorseful. He confessed that his sleepy state after the arrest was as a result of an adverse reaction to the cocktail of drugs he’d taken.

‘What happened was an adverse and unexpected reaction to prescription medications,’ the golfer intimated. ‘I didn’t know the combination of medications had affected me so much.’

He went on to state that he understands the gravity of his actions and he bears full responsibility for it, adding “the public should know alcohol wasn’t involved.’ He apologized to his friends and family, promising to do everything in his power to ensure such a thing never happens again.

The incident must worry him so much as the golfer has joint custody of his two children, Sam and Charlie, with his ex-wife. The children are nine and eight years old, respectively. His ex-wife, Elin Nordegren, divorced him in 2010, following a spate of sex scandals

Part of the agreement was that Tiger Woods was to give public scandals a wide berth to keep his fifty percent share of the custody. The penalty for embroiling himself in a public scandal is a loss of a twenty percent share of custody.

According to sources, the ex-wife is considering applying for full custody of the children after the renown golfer was caught in another public spectacle on May 29- the DUI charge.

However, in a bid to settle his former wife’s concerns, Tiger Woods booked himself at the Jupiter Medical Center for four weeks to receive treatment for painkiller addiction.

He’d earlier, just after negotiating custody of the children, booked himself in the Pine Grove Rehab to be treated for sex addiction. Shortly after, he started treatment for Vicodin addiction in Arizona.

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